Space Technology Park construction of a technology park

  • Completion date: 2020 - 2022
  • Address: Nowy Kisielin, ul. Antoniego Wysockiego
  • Area: 4500 m2
  • Investor: Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Lubuskiego
  • Project: PTB Nickel Sp. z o.o.

Space Technology Park

Within the next 22 months, we will design and build one of the most modern office and laboratory facilities in the country.

The park will include, among others: a satellite electronics laboratory, a clean assembly room for system integration and tests, as well as satellite subsystems, a laboratory for counteracting cyber threats, a space medicine laboratory, material engineering and endurance tests. As part of the project coordination, we will closely cooperate with the local branch of the Center for Space Technologies of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The project and construction of the Space Technology Park will amount to PLN 60.7 million. Co-financing from the EU will amount to PLN 41.9 million. Own contribution: from the voivodship budget: PLN 18.7 million and from Herz Systems Ltd. - PLN 607 thousand PLN.



artur gulinski

Artur Guliński

Investment completion director


Location of the investment


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