Water Treatment Station Konin - Kurów modernization of the water treatment station

  • Completion date: 2019 - 2021
  • Address: Konin, ul. Poznańska 49
  • Area: 14500 m2
  • Investor: PWiK Konin
  • Project: -

Water Treatment Station Konin - Kurów

On 19/04/2019, we signed a contract for the implementation of a new investment under the name: "Modernization of the Water Treatment Station - technology, thermal modernization and reconstruction of the building of the Konin-Kurów Water Supply Station together with the construction of a heat pump and photovoltaic installation and modernization of external lighting".

The investment will be implemented until May 2021 and its total value is PLN 41,545,710.00. We will perform the works on an active facility with a production capacity of 28,800 m3 / day and the scope of the contract includes modernization and thermomodernization of facilities along with the necessary installation works.

The modernization in the field of technology includes:

  • Air room with a filter room
  • Energy building with a water pumping station
  • Gate valve compartment
  • Chlorine room
  • Technological sewage pumping station

The scope of general construction and installation works includes:

  • Thermomodernization of the administration building, technology building, 2nd degree pumping station, workshop, energy, garage, clean water tank
  • Demolition of the chlorine plant building, rinse water pumping station, gatehouse, hydrophore, fuel warehouse and technical gas warehouse
  • Construction of a heat pump and photovoltaic installation

Realization of surface replacement, fencing and comprehensive development of green areas.


Location of the investment


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